As a part of our vision to encourage influencers with the Gospel, we partner with ministry leaders around the world to aid them in their efforts of reaching people with the Gospel in their local context. We accomplish this through prayer, the giving of resources, and making regular trips to assist them on the mission field. 


  • Jesus set the precedence for Church missions when He instructed His disciples saying, “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
  • At Picayune’s First, we take this to mean that we are to share Jesus with people locally and around the world.
  • Locally, our mission is to reach people with the Gospel in Picayune and Pearl River County.
  • Nationally and around the world, we partner with local missionaries and church planters to support them in their work of taking the message of Jesus to people in their local setting.

United Missions Offering

  • The United Missions Offering is our annual offering that is designed to raise funds that supports mission work in the state of Mississippi, North America, and around the world.
  • In 2021 we raised over $99,000.00 through the UMO and were able to distribute the funds through the Southern Baptist Convention’s Cooperative Program, which sponsors missionaries all around the globe.